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Wisdom teeth removal in Avon, Glastonbury, and Enfield, CT
Wisdom teeth removal in Avon, Glastonbury, and Enfield, CT

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Avon, CT

Comfortable Third Molar Removal

Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, often do not have enough space to grow into the mouth without causing oral health problems. To avoid issues such as infection, dental crowding, pain, cysts, and more, dentists and oral surgeons recommend early removal.

Third molars usually emerge between the ages of 17 and 25 and are the final molars to grow in. Your dentist can monitor wisdom teeth development with regular checkups. When they’re ready to be extracted, you will be referred to an oral surgery practice such Avon Oral, Facial and Dental Implant Surgery.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

An impacted tooth is a tooth that has fully or partially become trapped beneath the gums. Because most human jaws are too small to accommodate these four extra molars, wisdom teeth are especially prone to becoming impacted. When wisdom teeth are impacted or grow sideways, it can cause discomfort and damage to nearby teeth.

It’s possible that your wisdom teeth are impacted and are not yet causing any symptoms. However, if your impacted wisdom teeth begin to shift or become infected, you may notice some of the following signs:

  • Swelling of the gums behind or near your back molars
  • Pain when opening the mouth
  • Pain or sensitivity around the back molars, especially while eating
  • Persistent bad breath or an unpleasant taste in the mouth

It is important that you see your family dentist regularly for dental exams so that you or your child’s wisdom teeth can be tracked before they start to emerge or cause oral health problems. Visit our Impacted Wisdom Teeth page to learn more.

Types of Anesthesia

Our surgeons offer a variety of anesthesia and sedation options so that patients remain as comfortable as possible.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Surgery in Avon, CT

Your oral surgeon will outline the details of your treatment during the consultation. Our staff will take 3D scans of your mouth and discuss anesthesia options to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure. Many patients undergo IV sedation for wisdom tooth extractions, which renders them into a sleep-like state, unable to feel discomfort.

During surgery, your surgeon will remove any visible teeth with forceps. Your surgeon will make incisions in the gum tissue as needed, and may break the tooth into smaller pieces for easier removal. Dissolvable sutures will be inserted, and you will rest in our office until the anesthesia wears off. You must arrange for an adult to remain in the office during your procedure and drive you home afterward. We recommend they stay with you for 24 hours while you are under the effects of anesthesia.

Our office proudly offers EXPAREL®, the safe and long-lasting pain management option. It provides comfort following surgery and reduces or eliminates the need for narcotic medication. Learn more about EXPAREL.

Stem Cell Banking at Avon Oral, Facial and Dental Implant Surgery

Make the most of your child’s wisdom teeth removal. By banking stem cells from wisdom teeth, you are given peace of mind if future illness, injury, or disease occur. Stem cells are used in regenerative medicine, and your stem cells will be shipped to your healthcare provider when they are needed. With Stemodontics®, stem cells from wisdom teeth are stored in a secure laboratory until you need them. Talk to your team of oral surgeons about banking stem cells today, or visit the Stemodontics website to learn more.

Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal

The cost of your wisdom teeth removal will depend on several factors: the number of teeth to be removed, the type of anesthesia chosen, insurance coverage, and the extent of surgery. During your consultation with Dr. Fletcher, Dr. Gill, Dr. Hayek, Dr. Ambrogio, or Dr. Googel, we will perform a complete oral exam to determine the cost of the wisdom teeth removal procedure. Visit our Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost page to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I tell if my wisdom teeth are coming in?

You may not notice anything when your wisdom teeth are developing or erupting into the mouth, or you may notice discomfort, redness, or swelling in the area behind your back molars. If you notice an unpleasant taste or smell in the mouth, this may indicate that your wisdom teeth have become impacted or infected. See a dental professional right away for an oral exam if any of these symptoms arise.

Does wisdom teeth removal hurt?

Patients typically undergo IV sedation, which will cause the patient to fall into a sleep-like state and will prevent any discomfort during the procedure. Over-the-counter pain medication and ice packs can help manage swelling. Follow your instructions closely as they will help prevent infection and dry socket, a condition in which the blood clot becomes dislodged.

Does everyone need their wisdom teeth removed?

The only way to know for sure if you or your child’s wisdom teeth are going to cause problems is to have an oral exam by a dental professional and have diagnostic images taken. Early diagnosis of problems such as impaction could save time, money, and discomfort later.

How long is the recovery time after wisdom teeth removal?

We find that patients usually require about 2–4 days before they can comfortably return to school or work. Maintaining proper oral hygiene, sticking to soft foods, and caring for the extraction sites will aid in a speedy recovery.

Central Connecticut's Oral Health Specialists

Our team of oral surgeons are the experts you can trust to deliver outstanding results.